About this site
Welcome to my sumo site.
This website is dedicated to sumo fans from all over the world.
It allows you to play three great fantasy sumo games: Sekitori-Oracle, Sekitori-Quadrumvirate and Odd Sumo.
Web browser
For browsing this page I recommend using Firefox browser at 1024x768 screen resolution.
It works on Internet Explorer (tested on version 6.0), but there are problems
with displaying some graphic elements.
If your browser doesn't support cookies you may have problems to log in.
In this case use Contact page to send your picks or to contact me.
To play Sekitori-Oracle, Sekitori-Quadrumvirate and Odd Sumo you have to create an account.
During registration process you will be asked to add shikona (fighting name) for each game.
You will be identified by shikona on all results pages, stats pages etc.
If you try adding a shikona which is already used by another player you will be asked to add a different one.
Leaving the shikona fields blank means you will not be able to play these games.
When the registration process is finished you will not be able to modify your shikona. But you will still be able to add it (in Edit Profile page) if you left it blank during registration.
When user decides to change a shikona the best way to do it is to send a request to me via contact page.
Deleting an account from profile page and creating it once again is another solution.
Registering for basho
Once your account is created you have to register for the basho if you want to play the game.
For Sekitori-Oracle you can register if the game status is "pre-basho".
For Sekitori-Quadrumvirate and Odd Sumo you can register if the game status is "pre-basho" or "basho in progress".
You can see the current game status on the main page.